Geotec SpA at the Heart of Innovation
Participation in the Feasibility Study of the Einstein Telescope

Geotec SpA at the Heart of Innovation
Participation in the Feasibility Study of the Einstein Telescope


Febbraio 13, 2024
Geotec SpA at the Heart of Innovation: Participation in the Feasibility Study of the Einstein Telescope

Seismic surveys
Oil & Gas Exploration

Albania 2D Block 4 Project
February-July 2021
- Challenging terrain
- Successfully managed a 280 member crew during COVID 19
- Area 1.100 km2
Geothermal Research

Partnership with S3
Basel 3D Project
September-December 2021
- Intense urban area
- Low impact night vibration
- Geothermal research
Scientific Research

GFZ Potsdam
SEIZE Project
October 2020
- Preliminary seismic survey for the DIVE Project
- Acquisition in valleys and urban areas
- Balmuccia Area (The greatest natural laboratory)
Geotechnical & Soil investigations
Near shore site investigations

Livorno Port Authority
Livorno Port area
2019 – 2020
- Near shore site investigation drilling
- Important Project for the “Europa Platform” design
- Over 50 holes cored with SPT,DMT, Menard tests performed, sub-bottom profiling (SBP) executed
Directional drilling

Consorzio Messina Catania
Lotto Nord- Sicilian Railway project-Messina
September/December 2021
- JV directional drilling project with multiple rigs
- Continuous borehole direction monitoring with EMS
- Steerable core drilliing
Scientific Research

CNR – Roma
Lamezia Terme (Catanzaro)
January/July 2014
- 911.5 meter depth borehole with PQ,HQ and NQ diameters
- Scientific drilling project
- Geothermal potential
Geotechnical convergence

Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE
Lot Isarco
Since 2016
- Geotechnical convergence and laser scanner measurements of the Isarco Underpass
- The longest underground railway connection in the world.
- Major strategic project with high HSE Standards
Geotechnical monitoring

Brenner Basistunnel BBT SE
Lot Mules
Since 2020
- Geotechnical convergence & monitoring with laser scanner measurements in the Mules Access
- Ambitious tunnel excavation “The Green corridor”
- Cross-border project linking Austria and Italy
3D Laser scanner services

Multiyear Framework Agreement
Since 2017
- High quality 3D Laser scanner measurements for railway bridge
- Over 50 railway bridges scans conducted
- Performed color acquisition with structural integrity analysis
Our Main Clients
Seismic surveys


Our Partners

Via G. Barbato, 20
86100 Campobasso (IT)
86100 Campobasso (IT)
Branch offices
Via Isarco/Eisackstraße, 1
39040 Varna/Vahrn (IT)
39040 Varna/Vahrn (IT)